Settled Back In

Originally posted on July 31, 2014

We returned from Trinidad last Monday, and it’s taken a full week to settle in and recover from the travel. I figured it was time to share how the trip went. If I had to describe our experience in one word, it would be inspiring. It inspired me in so many ways.

First, seeing how people in Trinidad live made me appreciate what I have even more. Something as simple as air-conditioning felt like a luxury. Second, witnessing how the Church on the island worshipped and followed Christ, in an environment where Christianity is very much a minority, was truly moving. Our missionary leader, Rick, said that Christians in America live in “Christian Disney World,” and he’s right. We often take for granted the freedoms we have. While Trinidad is a country accepting of all religions, including Christianity, it’s still relatively new to the island. Finally, this trip inspired me to keep seeking out opportunities to serve—not just overseas, but here at home. It’s so easy to get comfortable and complacent in our daily lives, but we have a responsibility to actively seek Christ in everything and look for ways to serve Him.

Now, a little about the trip itself. We were on the island for seven days, and while I can’t share every detail, here’s an overview of what a week in Trinidad looks like. Each morning started with a delicious breakfast prepared by Pastor Roddie’s wife, Stella, who is an amazing cook. We stayed in the basement of their church, which had been converted to house mission groups. Every day, we went out into the community to distribute tracts, handing them to people we met and leaving them in mailboxes. Over the course of the week, we distributed around 600 tracts and 200 Gospel bracelets, along with flyers inviting people to the church. One person came to salvation during our street outreach, and countless seeds were planted. We don’t know the full impact of our time there, but we’re praying for Pastor Roddie and his church as they continue the work.

In the afternoons, after an incredible lunch, we went to the Savannah—a local recreation area with soccer fields, basketball courts, and playgrounds. We spent a few hours each day playing with the kids and building relationships. On our last day, we gathered the biggest group of the week, and Rick and Pastor Roddie presented the Gospel. Six or seven children accepted Christ, and Pastor Roddie will follow up with them.

Each evening, we participated in a crusade at the church. Rick preached, and the Trinidadian youth band led worship. One of us would share our testimony each night. By the end of the week, we saw tremendous growth, going from just a few in attendance on Sunday to a packed house. One of our main goals was to help the church build relationships with the community, and it was amazing to see that start to happen. We’re praying for a lasting impact.

By the end of the week, we had made so many new friends and fallen in love with the nation of Trinidad. It was hard to leave... though not without cause. I missed my family here, especially Kylee, but I would’ve loved for them to visit Trinidad so I wouldn’t have had to say goodbye so soon.

That said, I hope to return. I would love to take both kids with me, and to have a larger group. If you’re interested... stay tuned!


Living a Missional Life


Packed and Ready