Living a Missional Life

Originally posted on September 25, 2014

It’s been a while since I last posted. It was easy to talk about the big mission trip we were preparing for and share updates along the way. But it’s not always as easy to share the day-to-day without feeling like I’m trying to toot my own horn.

We started this blog a year ago, and this past year has been an incredible journey for my family. Our goal was to share our story—not just to keep our family updated but to inspire others and to help me stay accountable to what God is leading us to do as a family.

Over the last year, we’ve spent time as a family studying God’s Word and seeking to understand what He expects from us. We’ve engaged in local mission work, volunteering at the children’s home and other projects, and we’ve traveled overseas on our first mission trip. I believe this is only the beginning.

Being active in mission work was just one part of our plan. The other half is living out the Gospel in our daily lives—reflecting Christ in everything we do. I’m constantly reminded that we still have a long way to go. Just when I think I’m doing well, God reveals another area in which I need to grow.

Yesterday, I heard a story that brought this home. An adult at school saw a child with a little card that had a Bible verse on it. She asked the girl where she got it, and the girl said, “Kylee Carter gave it to me.” She went on to tell the adult how much Kylee loves God.

When we were in Trinidad, Landon led a Bible study on Genesis 5, specifically about Enoch. In the midst of genealogies, births, and deaths, the text says, “Enoch walked with God.” Landon shared that this is how he wants to be remembered—not for anything else, but simply for walking with God.

I tell you these stories to say that this is my desire too: to show the love of God through our daily lives, to follow Him in all that we do, and to bring glory to His name.

Thank you for sharing in this journey with us, and I’ll keep you posted as we continue to follow where He leads.


New Year


Settled Back In