Packed and Ready

Originally posted on July 11, 2014

It’s 10:00 p.m. the night before we leave, and I finally got everything packed! I’m beyond excited and can’t wait to see what God is going to do—not just in Trinidad, but in our own lives as well.

It feels like just yesterday that Landon told me God wanted him to be a missionary who travels far away. In the two years since, I’ve watched him grow in incredible ways. Just a few nights ago, he was preaching the gospel at a local children’s home. It’s been amazing to witness how God has moved in his life and in our family’s. Now, we’re about to travel nearly 2,500 miles to work with unchurched and unreached people groups in Trinidad and Tobago. While there, we’ll be leading Vacation Bible School, distributing tracts, and participating in nightly crusades.

I’m so grateful for your prayers and support up to this point, and I ask you to continue lifting us up—now more than ever. Our travel days will be Saturday, July 12th, and Sunday/Monday, July 20th/21st, with missions work in between.

We won’t have any contact while we’re gone, but I can’t wait to return and share all that God did, both abroad and here at home.


Settled Back In


Needs For the Trip