Wait?! What About Africa?

Originally posted on January 23, 2014

Not in our timing, but His...

Since we publicly announced our upcoming trip to Trinidad, I’ve been asked more than once:

“I thought y’all were going to Africa. Are you still planning to go?”

The honest answer is... I don’t know what the future holds. We originally felt a strong call to Africa, and that calling is still very much on our hearts. But we’re not operating on our own timeline. I would love to go now, but that door hasn’t opened yet. I’ve made a few contacts with African mission groups, and we certainly have a goal to get there—unless God directs us elsewhere. For now, we are following His lead, serving wherever He makes a way.

When I first began exploring the possibility of going to Africa, I reached out to a missionary with SportsRec Plus. This organization hosts mission trips throughout the year and invites others to join. When I told him our story—who we are and what we felt called to do—he suggested we consider a trip to Trinidad this year.

At first, I wasn’t excited by the idea; my heart was set on Africa. But after praying and researching Trinidad, I discovered that Trinidad’s culture is heavily influenced by African heritage. In fact, about 40% of Trinidad’s population is of African descent, one of the highest percentages in the nation. They primarily speak English, and the country has the basic necessities we would need during our trip.

As this will be our first family mission trip, I see it as a great opportunity to learn the basics of mission work—almost like an introductory course. And as I’ve watched things unfold, I can see God’s hand guiding us. For example, I bought Landon a soccer ball with the Gospel colors on it, so he could use it to share Christ. The day after I ordered it, I received an email from SportsRec Plus announcing that the trip to Trinidad would be a Soccer Mission Trip for 1st through 7th graders and their parents. Things like this keep falling into place, and it’s hard to dismiss as coincidence.

So, are we going to Africa? I believe we will, eventually. God has placed this nation on our hearts, and I trust that He will lead us there when the time is right. When will it happen? I have no idea—whether it’s two years or twenty years. We are on His timeline, and we’ll wait for His perfect timing.


Let the Countdown Begin…


2014 Mission Projects