2014 Mission Projects

Originally posted on January 10, 2014

If we are going to take the call to missions seriously, then it’s time to begin—here and now. We aren’t called to serve once a year on a mission trip to some faraway place. I believe that, as true disciples, we must live out this call daily, both locally and globally. So, this year, we’ve put together some scheduled events for our first full year as a family called to missions. The only thing we ask of you is your prayers and support. These may seem like small steps, but for us, this is a significant change. We are redefining our lifestyle, spreading God’s message of grace and life—not just where it’s easy or comfortable but wherever there is a need. We want to be a reflection of His love, both here at home and around the world.

2014 Missions Projects

  • January & February: We are starting the year with a Bible study focused on missions, while also studying the work of current missionaries. By the end of February, we’ll be sending care packages to a few missionary families as a way of saying thank you for their service.

  • April 18: Spring Break Gospel Sharing – We will put what we’ve learned into action by visiting a local park during spring break. We’ll spend time with families who are camping, sharing the gospel, and handing out Salvation Bracelets.

  • June 21: Serving the Servants – We’ll show appreciation to some of God’s servants in our community by giving them cards and a special thank you.

  • July 12-20: Mission Trip to Trinidad and Tobago – Landon and I will be traveling with "Sports Res Plus," a mission organization that uses sports ministry to share the gospel around the world.

  • August 30: Nursing Home Visit – We’ll spend time with residents at a local nursing home, sharing the Word through song, wordless books, and small gifts.

  • October 25: Grab and Go Bags – We will prepare and distribute bags filled with essential items, along with the gospel message, to homeless individuals in our community.

  • December: Secret Santa – We will secretly adopt a family in need, providing them with a Christmas dinner, gifts, and sharing the love of Christ with them. As part of this project, I will also dress as Santa and visit multi-handicapped and CDC (Children with Disabilities) classes at two local schools, spreading some holiday cheer.

We appreciate your prayers and support as we embark on these projects throughout the year. We hope to share God’s love and grace through each of these efforts, and we look forward to seeing where He leads us next.


Wait?! What About Africa?


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