Resolution vs. Commitment

Originally Posted January 12, 2017

I'm not really into making New Year’s resolutions, so I thought… why bother? I’ve always found them a little cheesy. We tend to make empty promises simply because it’s a new year, knowing full well that most of us won’t keep them. But we also know that when God wants us to do something, He will make it known—whether it’s through a gentle nudge or something more.

Tonight, on my drive to work, I heard "Walk on Water" by Britt Nicole on Air1 Radio. If you’ve never heard it, the song is all about how we let insecurities and past mistakes keep us from doing what God is calling us to do. Instead of making excuses, we should have unshakable faith and believe that we, too, could walk on water.

As the song played, I found myself getting emotional (God tends to do that to me from time to time), and I realized that I often feel like I’m running from what God wants me to do. The frustrating part is, I’m not even sure what it is that I’m avoiding. But I know there’s more He’s asking of me, and I’m holding back because I’m afraid to step out in faith.

I tend to be very insecure about stepping up to do anything because of my past. I often feel that there’s someone far more qualified than me to do what I feel led to do. Recently, I even turned down leading a single Bible study night, thinking no one would want to listen to me—assuming that if they knew I was leading, they might not even show up.

So, while I was at work, I kept asking God to help me get past my past. It’s so hard. Just when I think I’ve moved on, I realize it’s still holding me back. I also found myself asking God the same question I’ve been asking for a while: “What is it that you want me to do?” I’ve always felt like there’s something waiting to be revealed to me, but I never feel quite ready for it.

On my drive home, another song immediately came on the radio—"Live It Out" by Abandon. It’s another incredible song, and its message hit me hard. The chorus goes, “Can you feel the urgency now? It’s time for us to love out loud, to take what we know and live it out!” And in that moment, I realized that’s exactly what God has been trying to tell me all along.

It’s not about what the next thing is that He has for me to do—it’s about taking what I already know to be true and simply living it out. I don’t need to wait for some big revelation. It’s about showing His love to others, sharing the Gospel, and worshiping Him. Why do we search for what God wants from us when He’s already laid it out so clearly?

So this year, I am making a resolution—not to the New Year, but to the everlasting God. I will stop worrying about what others think. I will let go of my insecurities. I will live out His Word to the best of my ability. I will be ready for any opportunities He places in my path to be a light for Him. It’s time to stop running from those moments when He could work through me.

I’m ready to Love Out Loud!


Fresh Encounter


Revival In Us