Book Release: A Prodigal Journey

I’m thrilled (though nervous) to announce that my book, A Prodigal Journey, will be released on November 19! For more than a year, I have poured myself into this project, and it has been both a challenging and rewarding experience. For years, I felt a calling to share my story, but deciding to open up about the darkest parts of my past—the mistakes, the hardships, and the failures—wasn’t easy. But through it all, I’ve known that this is what God has been leading me to do.

The story of the Prodigal Son has always resonated deeply with me. Like him, I made choices that led me far from where I should have been, and I ended up in places I never imagined—both spiritually and physically. Homelessness is an experience that I never thought would be part of my life, but it became a defining chapter in my journey. Yet, just like the Prodigal Son, I found my way to a loving Father who was waiting for me with open arms. This is what I want to share, the redemption story, but for you to see His glory, I had to share what came before that.

Writing A Prodigal Journey is about more than telling my story—it’s about offering hope. No matter how far someone may have wandered, there is always a way home. Whether you’re struggling with homelessness, addiction, or navigating life’s challenges, my hope is that this book will remind you of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Even when we feel lost, God is already at work, drawing us back to Him.

It hasn’t been easy to revisit some of the most painful moments of my life, but I’ve come to realize that sharing my past is part of my purpose. God doesn’t waste our pain—He uses it for good. If my story can help even one person find hope, then every uncomfortable moment will have been worth it. I’ve learned that God can take even the most broken paths and make them straight.

I’ve clung to Proverbs 3:6 through this process: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
This verse carried me through anytime I would start to second guess- this is me, acknowledging Him, and He had made this path very clear. Through His grace and mercy I was given a new hope that has brought me further than anyone would have thought possible. Now, I feel it’s my responsibility to share that hope with others. Slowly but surely, God makes a way where we can’t see one.

I also want to take a moment to thank those who have supported me through this journey—especially my publisher… I mean my mama. I’m incredibly grateful for her guidance and love, as well as for everyone else who has stood by me during this process.

I’m both curious and excited to see where God leads next. A Prodigal Journey is just the beginning, and I trust that He has even more in store. The book will be available on Amazon, or you can find it at My prayer is that it will serve as a testament to God’s grace and reach those who need it most. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.


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