Break My Heart

Lately, I’ve had this song by Justin Gambino on repeat. The message of the song keeps taking me back to the day I chose to follow Christ. But as I’ve listened more closely, I’ve realized something important—it’s not just about that one moment. The song has become a constant prayer, a reminder that we’re always evolving, always growing in our walk with Him.

One line that recently struck me is, “Make my heart break for what breaks Yours.” I’ve heard it before, but this time, as I sang along in my car, it hit me differently. What if it’s me? What if I’m the one breaking God’s heart? Every time I choose sin, every time I ignore His lead, I’m hurting the One who loves me most.

Romans 7:15 says, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” How often do I find myself in that exact situation?

That realization made me ask, how do I reconcile this? How do I live knowing I will fail and break His heart at times? But I also know this—those moments when we fall are the very ones that help us grow. They teach us to lean more on Him, to follow Him more closely, and to let His grace guide us through.

I don’t want to break His heart, but I know it will happen. What I hope is that by staying aware of how my choices affect Him, those moments will become fewer and further apart. And through it all, His grace will always be enough.

Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” This is my prayer right now—that through God’s grace, He will continue to renew my heart and make me more like Him.


Book Release: A Prodigal Journey


Grace Beyond Failure