The Daily Choice to Follow Christ

These days, it seems like everyone is following someone. Whether it’s a celebrity, influencer, or even a friend from high school, social media makes it easy to keep up with everyone’s lives. We “follow” people for all sorts of reasons—because they inspire us, make us laugh, or give us advice. But when you think about it, following someone on social media is easy. All it takes is the click of a button.

But what if following Christ was as simple as hitting a “Follow” button? We know it’s not. Choosing to follow Jesus isn’t a one-time action—it’s a daily decision to surrender our will to His and trust in His plan. It’s easy to think that once we’ve accepted Christ, the hard part is over. But the truth is, every day presents new challenges and choices that test our faith and require us to reaffirm that we are committed to following Him.

Luke 9:23 says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” That word daily is key. It means that following Christ is not just about a moment of conversion, but an ongoing journey of surrender.

Unlike following a celebrity online, where you can passively watch their life unfold without much thought, following Jesus demands action. It’s not just about observing His teachings or admiring the life He lived—it’s about living that out ourselves. While social media gives us a filtered glimpse into people’s lives, Jesus calls us to dive deep, to fully commit, and to follow Him even when it’s uncomfortable.

I often think back to my own experiences. Some days, I feel completely confident in my walk with God. I’ve read His Word, prayed, and everything seems to be going right. But then there are other days—days where doubt creeps in, where the weight of life’s responsibilities pulls me away from time with God, or where I find myself distracted by everything else except what truly matters. It’s in those moments that I’m reminded that choosing Christ is an active decision. It’s not just about what we do on the good days; it’s about how we respond when things get tough.

This daily choice doesn’t mean we will always get it right. But it does mean we intentionally align ourselves with God’s will, even when our own desires might lead us in a different direction. Just like we might unfollow someone online if their content no longer resonates with us, we must check in regularly with our faith to ensure we’re still following Jesus with our whole hearts. Are we following Him with the same enthusiasm and commitment as when we first clicked “Follow,” or have we drifted?

One of the hardest parts of this daily surrender is letting go of control. I’ve found that as a parent and in my career, I’m often tempted to take the reins and handle things my way. It’s only when I remind myself that God is ultimately in control that I find peace. Trusting Him in every decision requires faith, and that faith is built on the small, daily steps we take to follow Him.

We all have decisions to make throughout the day—some feel insignificant, while others carry more weight. But no matter how small a decision seems, each one presents an opportunity to choose God’s way over our own. Proverbs 3:6 tells us, “In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” It doesn’t say to submit in some ways or when it’s convenient—it says all your ways. That’s where the real challenge lies.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we know there are areas in our lives where we struggle to submit fully to God. Maybe it’s in relationships, finances, or career decisions. Maybe it’s in how we spend our free time or how we treat others. Wherever that area is for you, know that each day is a new opportunity to surrender it to Christ and trust that He will guide you.

So today, and every day, I challenge you to make the intentional choice to follow Christ. Not just in the grand, life-altering moments, but in the small, everyday decisions that reflect where your heart truly lies. Just like we choose who to follow on social media, we must choose daily to follow Jesus with intention and purpose. Following Christ is not about perfection—it’s about persistence. It’s about choosing Him again and again, trusting that as we walk with Him, He will continue to shape us into who He’s called us to be.

As we take up our cross daily, let’s remind ourselves that God’s grace is sufficient for the journey, and that the small, faithful choices we make each day are building a life that honors Him.


The Heart of True Worship


Spread the Word - Landon