Do Something

Originally posted on October 14, 2020

Well, here it is—the first blog post in over two years! Can you believe it? We started this blog over seven years ago, and this is only the 21st post… so maybe I’m not the most consistent writer—who knew! I get easily distracted, not just by the little things, but the big stuff, too.

In 2017, we moved to Kentucky (you can read all about that in an earlier post if you didn’t know). Life changed drastically for us! In the last three and a half years, a lot has happened. I started a new career, and the kids are now in middle school.

We’ve really enjoyed our time here. We love our new home. I’ve gotten involved in the community—I’m on the board at the local theater, I’ve helped with events through the parks department and the Christian radio station, and we’ve found a church that we all love. Life has been good! But I’ve also gotten distracted.

When we started this blog seven years ago, it was to announce the call to missions that God had placed on me and my family. We stuck with that call when we were in Chattanooga, but things have been different since we moved here. At first, I needed a time of rest and renewal, a chance to rediscover my relationship with God. But now, I feel like God is saying, “Okay, enough rest—it’s time to get back to work.”

Through personal Bible study, reflection, and a recent trip to the Creation Museum, I’ve felt a prodding—a stirring in my heart. God has reignited in me a desire to reach people with the Gospel. Over the past three years, I believe He’s been preparing me for something. I’ve made connections with local Christian musicians and worship leaders, built relationships with the local radio station, public leaders, and officials, and I have a brother who directs the community homeless organization. None of this feels like a coincidence.

Community missions have always been a passion of mine, and that hasn’t changed just because I’m in a new community. People are still the same, and the need for the Gospel is just as urgent.

With that said, I don’t know exactly what God has in store for me and my family, but I do know it’s time to start being intentional again. It’s time to actively look for opportunities to share the Gospel, to use the skills and connections God has given me for His purpose.

I have some ideas brewing, but I’m listening for His guidance. It’s time for our family to refocus, to start ministering together again with the same intentionality we had when we first started this blog.

Three years of rest is enough. It’s time to do something.


Spread the Word - Landon


Loving Others as Christ Loves Us—Even When We Don’t Agree