The Final Days

Originally posted on June 14, 2014

It’s official! We just received our plane ticket confirmations, and in just one month, we’ll be heading to Trinidad for nine days! We’ve been preparing in every way we can—memorizing scripture, making salvation bracelets, reading missionary books, and completing a mission-based Bible study. We’ve also listened to S.H.A.R.E. Evangelism from Sports & Rec Plus, which I highly recommend if you’re interested in missions. You can find it at

This last month before we leave, we’ll be meeting with the missionary we’re traveling with, Rick Mitchell, to finalize the details of our trip. We’ll also start packing and, most importantly, we’ll be spending time in prayer. If you haven’t already been praying for us, I really urge you to join us now. This will be Landon’s first experience outside the country and his first time engaging in intense mission work. He truly believes God has called him into missions, and if that’s the case, I pray this trip will be everything he’s dreamed of to help foster a lifelong desire to follow Christ wherever He leads.

After we meet with Rick, I’ll share more specifics about what we’ll be doing and how you can pray for us intentionally. For now, please pray for the trip as a whole and that God will prepare our hearts and minds for what He has planned. Pray that we’ll be open to every opportunity to share the gospel, that any fear or shyness will fall away, and that we’ll be bold for Him in all we do.

Thank you for all your continued support and prayers!


Needs For the Trip


Let the Countdown Begin…