Why Me?

Originally posted on November 10, 2013

Sometimes, being evasive just isn’t good enough. I’ve been talking about missions for a while now, and I’ve even said that God is calling our family to work together in missions. But it’s still hard to say the words out loud:

God called me. God has called me to be a missionary.

It’s difficult to admit this for a few reasons. For one, I feel like the most unlikely and unworthy person to be called. I’m a single father with a past full of sin. I’m not wealthy. I’m not a great speaker. I’m not trained. I’m typically shy. And, truthfully, I can be lazy. So, I find myself asking, “Why me?” What could I possibly accomplish that someone else couldn’t do more efficiently?

But lately, God has been reminding me over and over again: He doesn’t need me to be anything other than available. He doesn’t call people based on what they can do—He calls them based on what He can do through them when they make themselves available. The Bible is filled with examples of God using the most unlikely people: from the shepherd boy, David, to the persecutor, Paul. God regularly chooses those who have no reason to claim His work as their own. The more unlikely the vessel, the more glory He receives.

Recently, our youth group had the chance to speak with a missionary in Laos. She’s a single woman who gave up everything to follow Christ wherever He leads. She wasn’t even saved until she was thirty, and yet here she is, living out her calling. It was inspiring to see her passion and to witness how she puts Christ above herself in everything. Her story reminded me that the only thing God asks of us is to be available.

It doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from, or how imperfect we may be for the mission. What matters is that we seek God’s heart and follow Him.

I’ll end this post with my prayer. I ask that you join me in praying for me and my family as we step out in faith to follow God’s call.

Dear Jesus,

As I take my family on this journey, please don’t let me get in the way.
Help me to keep this about You and not about me. Keep me available, wherever and however You lead.
Help me stay focused on what You’ve given me and use me for Your glory.
Take the stage in my life. Let me acknowledge You in everything I do.
Direct my paths and protect my family as we follow You.


To Answer Your Question…


Landon’s Call to Missions