As For Me and My House…

Originally posted on August 20, 2013

Joshua 24:15 says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

This powerful statement comes from a moment when Joshua addressed all of Israel. He was telling the people they had a choice: to continue worshiping the gods of the past or to commit themselves to Yahweh. Joshua made it clear where he stood—“As for me and my family, we will worship Yahweh.” (HCSB)

This declaration followed Israel's long and difficult journey, including years of wandering in the desert and the loss of an entire generation due to disobedience. Essentially, Joshua was calling for a decision: “I've made mine. Who's with me?”

It's a decision we all have to make—whether to continue living in disobedience or to follow the path God has laid out for us in His Word. Personally, I’ve lived a life of sin. Many of you know my past, and it wasn’t pretty. I reached a point where everything I had done led to nothing but loss and regret. It was then that I turned to the Lord. Over time, I made the decision that “as for me and my family, we will worship Yahweh.”

It hasn’t been easy, and I’m far from perfect. I still have a lot to learn, but my family has committed to following God, wherever He leads us. We strive to do His will and spread the Gospel in whatever ways we can. This blog isn't about preaching at you—it’s about accountability. It's a space for sharing how God is working in our lives and asking for your prayers as we navigate this journey.

I want to encourage others to step out in faith and make the same commitment. My family isn’t ideal—I’m a single parent raising two kids who argue, disobey, make messes, and live just like any other kids. But we are striving to live a life that pleases God, and if we can do it, I truly believe anyone can.

So, I invite you to join us on this journey. We’ll keep you updated on what God is doing in our lives, and I ask for your prayers. Prayer is powerful, and if we’re going to survive and thrive in this world, we need His strength behind us. We don’t know everything God has planned for us, but we take it day by day, following where He leads.


Landon’s First Blog